3 fabulous Pride fits for girls

3 fabulous Pride fits for girls

Rainbows, sequins and ALL the glitter!

Whether you want to wear the rainbow or something a little more low-key, we've got your Pride outfit sorted...

If you're heading to one of the 157 Pride parades taking place in the UK this year (who knew there were so many, right?), we've put together three looks to make sure your outfit is as fabulous as you are...

Wear the rainbow 

Take inspiration from the rainbow flag and wear ALL THE COLOURS. Ditch the shorts and the rock the two piece on its own if you're feeling brave (and it's not too cold!). 



Shop the look... 




Say it loud and proud 

If you want to keep things casual but still show your support then you can always opt for a bold statement tee (like this special Pride one by 808 London) and accessory combo. Again if you're feeling brave ditch the t-shirt to show off mad coordination skills!




Shop the look... 



Shine bright like a diamond 

Are you really going out for pride if you're not covered in sequins and glitter? We don't think so... 


Shop the look... 





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What are you wearing to Pride this year? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter